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phoelich philm specializes in education, training and Corporate Branding on TV and online.


A cinema is not a TV a laptop is not a smartphone...

Whether it is on film or video, internet or intranet, in the end it is all about content, story telling and catering to your audience.
That is our core area of strength and we focus on in each project. We have more than 30 years of experience devising and producing informational and training programs as well as Corporate video.
Style is important but only when it reinforces the content. A journalistic approach suits us well.
That is phphilm!


We produced programma's for:

Royal Marechaussee, Moog Inc., Alliander, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, Dutch Police , Police Academy, HelpMeSee NY, KPN, SVH (Horeca Nederland), IBM, Unilever, Bilderberg Hotels, Cotop Int.,ZIOS (Min. of Education, Culture and Science), Janssen Pharmacy, Dutch Bureau for Tourism, Syntens, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), and others.


Email:         © phphilm 2014